Workplace Training Services
As organizations grow, there are more opportunities for people to have disagreements. Friction and tension will inevitably arise when different points of view collide, which in turn can lead to conflict at work. The best way to handle this situation is through mediation. A neutral third party helps the individuals involved reach an agreement or compromise beneficial to both parties with minimal disruptions within the organization. This approach allows employees to feel like their voice was heard while maintaining open lines of communication throughout the process, enabling them to increase employee satisfaction and create high-performing teams by building trust.
Certified Conflict Professional Program
Equip your HR team, supervisors, and managers with a certification program that helps them navigate and effectively resolve conflict within their department or the broader organization. Our certified program teaches leaders in the areas of emotional intelligence, understanding personnel's perceived organizational support (POS), the importance of Psychological Capital, and conflict resolution techniques.
- Identifying conflict behaviors
- Increased listening skills
- Improved conflict management skills.
- Equipped individuals / teams to effectively respond to conflict
- Enhanced Emotional Intelligence
- Ability to manage conflict effectively.
Emotional Intelligence at Work
As a result of the growing acknowledgement by professionals of the importance and relevance of emotions to work outcomes, the research on the topic continued to gain momentum. What does the phrase “emotional intelligence in the workplace” encompass? There are five main areas of focus that are included in this engaging and dynamic organizational training:
- Create self-awareness of emotions
- Establish self-regulation of emotions, standards of honesty, and adaptability.
- Obtain motivation to achieve goals
- Create a high sense of diversity compassion, self-worth
- Social Skills – conflict management and communication
Performance Maximizing Leadership
High performance organizations are team-based, high learning, and multi-disciplinary. The “Performance Maximizing Leadership” training teaches time-tested team leader processes and methods that allow senior executives, managers and individuals to rethink their strategies and tactics to provide sustainable, profitable growth.
- Increase impact as a leader
- Help develop charismatic leadership qualities
- Learn how to sustain high-performance leadership
- Recognize and deal effectively with poor & good performance
- Define and explain leadership and group dynamics
Team Building for Greatness
Greatness in your organization is seldom about the performance of a few superstars. It is about getting an extraordinary performance from every team member. Have you ever gotten an extraordinary performance from every team member? most team leaders concentrate the majority of their attention on their problem children, hoping the high performers continue to perform high with little to no guidance or praise.
Learning why groups under-perform / cannot sustain their performance
Addressing and overcoming team-specific issues
Action plan development, with an objective of establishing a high-performance team
Understanding group dynamics and how personality differences impact group cohesion and performance
Millennial Onboarding Training Program
The Millennial workforce is here to stay. Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within your company. It will help match the technically skilled Millennial workforce with new and emerging needs of your company, offering a competitive advantage. Having a structured procedure will produce a greater chance of success.
- Define Millennial onboarding
- Learn the characteristics of Millennials
- Create an onboarding process for Millennials
- Develop action plans for working with Millennials
- Learn from introspection
- Establish a greater purpose beyond the bottom-line
- Create a culture of workflow ownership
Leading Up for Greatness
(“How to Lead Your Boss To An A-Game Performance”) A Watson Wyatt survey indicates that 51% of employees lack trust and confidence in their leaders. And here you sit right between senior leaders and the team members that don’t want to follow them. In this kind of a tough situation, you need to figure out how to drive the organization when you’re not really the one who’s supposed to be doing the steering.
- How to effectively lead superiors to an ‘A-Game’ performance without getting burned in the process.
- How to communicate to effectively persuade
- How to softly push back
- How to challenge ideas without challenging the ‘idea presenter’
- How to effectively move the business forward
- How to avoid upstaging the boss
Areas of Conflict in the Workplace
Technological Conflict
Employees do not have access to the necessary technology they need to perform their jobs successfully
Managers who do not understand or know how to use new technologies implemented throughout an organization can lead staff members to feel like they don't have support from supervisors leading them to disengage with work responsibilities
Monitoring devices (iPads, laptops) take up too much space within cubicle environments where employees become distracted when working nearby
Email overload
Process Conflict
Team members feel as though they are not being included in critical decision-making discussions among leadership teams or managers
Decision-making surrounding technology changes within an organization includes employees unfamiliar with certain software, hardware, etc., making them feel uncomfortable and disengaged
Leadership has one-way communication styles where staff members do not receive much information about what is happening next, leaving them feeling confused, frustrated, helpless and stressed out
Ethics Conflict
Companies that refuse to provide their employees with sufficient health care benefits leave them feeling unappreciated and undervalued
A company is implementing new changes within an organization during a time of high unemployment rates, where individuals feel as though they are being replaced by other workers who may be willing to accept lower salaries or compensation packages
Employees have difficulties trusting leadership teams/bosses due to a lack of transparency when making critical decisions that affect the daily business, causing morale among staff members to plummet quickly
Cultural Conflict
Language barriers within the office where employees from different backgrounds have a difficult time communicating with one another
Inappropriate dress code being enforced among staff members may lead individuals to feel they can no longer be themselves at work, potentially impacting their job satisfaction level and overall productivity daily
Conflicts can occur between individuals from different backgrounds (race, religion, ethnicity, etc.) and fail to understand why their coworkers act or behave in specific ways
Task Conflict
Employees are constantly asked by managers/supervisors for additional help (e.g., working weekends) without offering compensation
Managers asking employees outside their scope of authority.
The number of hours worked versus amount paid back through vacation days etc
Competing priorities among teams within different departments (e.g., marketing vs. customer service)
Organizational Conflict
Issues among coworkers who feel as though they are not receiving enough support from their peers during the course of completing projects
Employees feel left out or rejected by other individuals within an organization because there is no sense of mutual respect, leading to feelings of resentment and low morale levels
Different departments fail to work together to accomplish common goals due to a lack of communication, transparency, effective leadership and so on